One Line Review: Avengers Assemble

Contra Declan, I declare this to be the action movie of the year and a smashingly excellent film that features the scariest space ships of all time.

Your Correspondent, Likes Scarlett a whole lot.

7 Replies to “One Line Review: Avengers Assemble”

  1. I loved that film so much, but I could really have done without the gratuitous ass-shots.

  2. I actually would have hated the film a lot more if it *wasn’t* for the gratuitous ass-shots. Michael Bay’s major contribution to themodern action movie genre lives on.

  3. You know Declan I agree with you when you write: “The message is: if we harness our enormous capacity for violence and use it against our enemies for the common interest then we will win and the world will be safe from the terror that threatens it. That is a message that the gospel of Jesus confronts at every turn, yet is a message that the church has bought into since Constantine and a message still believed by most Christians today.”

    I agree wholeheartedly. But I would posit that it ain’t (amazingly fun) comic book movies that are spreading this propaganda. It is, ironically, the evangelical church of the USA.

  4. True, though I would not discount comic books (and their films) as propaganda for “the American monomyth”. From what I’ve heard, these were explicitly political back in the day (communists as the bad guys etc) and definitely retain some of that force today, just in slightly more subtle ways. If cinema — even blockbuster cinema — is as powerful as Zizek says it is (see most recent post) then I do wonder what kind of desires are being fostered by any film in which violence is the protagonist.

    But this is all very kill-joy and serious. On a more light-hearted note, I found the film extremely dull (as did Robert Downey Jr judging by the look on his face throughout most of it), lacking in both imagination and surprise. 🙂

    But then I also didn’t enjoy the 93% rated MI:4, so what do I know!? 🙂

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