Latin phrases for economists
Phrase Translation
A priori Pre-supposed; your “priors beliefs”.
Ad infinitum To infinity; and so on.
Ad valorem Per value; a 10% tax is an ad valorem tax, whereas a duty per gallon of gasoline is not.
Ceteris paribus All else equal e.g. “We would expect, ceteris paribus, that an increase in price would lower quantity demanded.”
De facto For all practical purposes, but not officially.
De jure By law.
Ex ante Before the event; in anticipation.
Ex post After the event; in retrospect.
Per se Literally; by itself.
Prima facie In the first instance; at first glance.
QED As has been asked to be shown; done.
Ultra vires Beyond their power, e.g. the court ruled that Congress were acting ultra vires.
Greek letters for economists
Lower-case Upper-case Pronunciation Economic meaning
\(\alpha\) A Alpha Capital share of income
\(\beta\) B Beta Regression coefficient (econometrics), or rate of time discounting (economic theory)
\(\gamma\) \(\Gamma\) Gamma N/A
\(\delta\) \(\Delta\) Delta Depreciation
\(\epsilon\) E Epsilon Elasticity
\(\zeta\) Z Zeta N/A
\(\eta\) H Eta N/A
\(\theta\) \(\Theta\) Theta Type, e.g. \(\theta_H\) might represent a “high type”
\(\iota\) I Iota N/A
\(\kappa\) K Kappa N/A
\(\lambda\) \(\Lambda\) Lambda The Lagrange multiplier
\(\mu\) M Mu Mean
\(\nu\) N Nu N/A
\(\xi\) \(\Xi\) Xi N/A
o O Omicron N/A
\(\pi\) \(\Pi\) Pi Inflation, or profit (lower-case) or the product of a series (upper-case)
\(\rho\) R Rho The coefficient of autoregression
\(\sigma\) \(\Sigma\) Sigma Standard deviation (lower-case) or the sum of series (upper-case)
\(\tau\) T Tau Tax
\(\upsilon\) \(\Upsilon\) Upsilon N/A
\(\phi\) \(\Phi\) Fy N/A
\(\chi\) X Chi (rhymes with `guy’) Used in statistics
\(\psi\) \(\Psi\) Psi (like `Si’) N/A
\(\omega\) \(\Omega\) Omega N/A

Some Useful Latin and Greek (PDF)
Some Useful Latin and Greek (TeX)


Suppose you have data on year of birth, but you want to group several years together, e.g. group 1950, 1951 and 1952 births together; 1953, 1954, and 1955 together, etc.

Below is some JavaScript code I wrote to generate the relevant Stata commands without much fuss. You only have to make minor adjustments: Enter the start year (e.g. 1950), the end year (e.g. 1955), and the interval length (e.g. 3 years).

[sourcecode language=”javascript”]
//*** Generate Stata Code to replace cohort groups *****
//*** Enda Hargaden, Summer 2010
//*** Just replace the following three variables and refresh the page

var start_year = 1881;
var end_year = 1990;
var interval = 5;

//*** You’re done. Or at least you should be.

var c;
var a;
var backup1 = start_year;
var backup2 = end_year;
a = end_year – start_year;
a = a/interval;
a = Math.ceil(a);

document.write("gen cohort_group = 0 <br />");
document.write("replace cohort_group = " + i + " if cohort > " + (start_year-1) + " & cohort < " + c + "<br />");

start_year = start_year+interval;


start_year = backup1;
end_year = backup2

document.write("<br />recode cohort_group ");
document.write("( 0 = 0 \"Other\" ) ///<br />");

document.write("( " + j + " = " + j + " \"" + (start_year) + " – " + c + "\" ) ///<br />");
document.write("( " + j + " = " + j + " \"" + (start_year) + " – " + c + "\" ), gen(cohort_clean)<br />la var cohort_clean \"Birth Cohort\"<br />");

I wrote this with a five-year interval in mind so I cannot guarantee you won’t run into an integer problem with the last entry, etc. However, it should get you most of the way there. Enjoy!

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